Time passes very quickly in the summer for me. Juggling work and kids camps and vacation and tournaments...it is hard to keep up. I have had my ups and downs during this time.
On the negative side:
- I saw my weight creep up to as much as 126 after I returned home from the beach.
- I have struggled with eating as much plant food as I would like - mainly from lack of time set aside for grocery shopping and the produce selection at my local grocery store wasn't that great for awhile.
- A close family member was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and that was a shocker. I thought that disease was reserved for overweight people who ate junk food. This person is thin and their diet was not that bad from SAD standards, but they did eat a lot of sweets. I have often joked that I am the type of person that would rather skip the meal and just eat dessert - so this really hit home. One of my new goals is going to be to reduce my sugar intake as much as possible. Being thin does not automatically mean you are healthy.
- I hit the one year mark on my journey to health and have accomplished each goal I set out to achieve.
- I was able to wear a bikini at the beach (ok, I'm not sure if I looked any good in it but I felt ok wearing it so that is a huge improvement from where I was last year)
- Learning of my family member's Diabetes diagnosis really shocked me back into gear. I have been running again, keeping my food journal all day, reducing sugar, and am back to extra large quantites of plant food in my diet.
PS My new running shoes are great!!