Here is the scrapbook layout I did for that race for comparison:
Another goal for my next 5k is to lose the "neurotic runners hip-pouch" I've worn for each race. Here it is (next to my commemorative medal!):
* A chunk of hair falls in my worries I have bobby pins!
* A dust particle flies into my worries I have contact drops!
* My allergies get the best of me and I have to blow my worries I have tissues!
* I pass out on the course and get rushed to the worres I have my driver's license!
* I need to buy something at the worries I have a credit card and a bit of cash!
* The port-a-johns don't have sinks or anti-germ worries I have wet wipes!
* Ready to get back in the worries I have the key!
My husband gets the biggest kick out of me taking this hip-pouch to a 3.1 mile race. I had to search high and low just to find one (finally picked it up on a clearance rack at Sports Authority - probably left over from the 80's). Anyhow, I really don't need any of this stuff except the car key and my running shorts have a small internal pocket for that (which could also hold a wet wipe). I can stick an extra bobby pin in my hair, tuck a tissue in my sports bra, and if I pass out on the course, they can identify me by my race number. So I hope to leave the pouch behind for the next race!
It's funny because the one "what if" scenario I didn't anticipate for this run was "what if they don't have water on the course" - GASP! Seriously - there was only one hydration break at the half point and it was Gatorade, not water, and it tasted like they put twice the amount of powder as necessary - it was like syrup! I need water, just a few sips, preferably every mile - so only one break was very difficult for me. The Race for the Cure 5k had water available every 1/2 mile, which was nice. So for the next race I'll be sure to know the water situation in advance so I can plan accordingly. The other thing the Race for the Cure did was mark the course every 1/2 mile with large signs up high so you could see them from a distance and pace yourself. This course had the miles marked but small and low so by the time you saw them you were almost there, which made it difficult to pace myself. I had my ironman watch set to cronometer for timing so I could see how I was doing along the way. If you are thinking about running a 5k for the first time, I recommend keeping your own time. I also recommend the Race for the Cure because it was so well thought out. This was the first year for the MLB All-Star 5k, so maybe they will make some changes for future races. The one thing I did like is that we wore 'chip' tags on our shoes so we got an official time from start to finish (with a big race, it may take a minute before you even get to the start line so it is nice to figure out your exact race time).
I'll be back tomorrow with my weight check-in! Thanks for stopping by and hope everyone has a great night!!
Congratulations, Jenn! What a wonderful accomplishment! You look terrific! You can really see a difference b/t your first 5K pic and your second pic. Way to go!!