Monday, May 17, 2010

New Shoes and New Inspiration (I hope!)

A year ago in June, I purchased running shoes from NikeTown in Chicago.  That was the place to go for a shoe fitting let me tell you!   I needed a stability shoe because I have weak ankles and tend to pronate.  I was so excited to see all the colors and styles, and then my excitement faded as I saw the stability shoe I needed (the Equalon 3) only came in one color scheme - white with hospital blue trim - it was very sterile and orthopedic looking.  But I knew I was buying the shoes for fit, comfort and support so the colors weren't a big deal but it was a bit disappointing.

Fast forward one year and I am in need of new running shoes. I've earned them! I would have needed new shoes sooner, but I had to take a few months off of running due to my hip injury. I had good luck with the Equalon 3 so I went out to and did a search. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the Equalon 4 was out, and offered in several different colors!! Woo-hoo! I ordered the purple scheme - here they are:

They will take about a week to get to me, but I am hoping once they arrive I will have renewed motivation to run.  I'm still using Nike+ to track my runs and totally recommend the program to all runners, whether you are a beginner or a pro.


  1. ooh - I'll have to check into those! I'm an over-pronator, too. Love using the Nike+ sensor, but right now I've just got it on one of those sensor pouches on non-Nike shoes. lol

  2. Hey, i am dieting as well. I have been on Jenny Craig since January and started at the same weight as you. 138 and am now 124. It has been really hard for me to get past 124, but i am determined this week. I am in IL as well, check out my blog or pmail me on the cricut message boards. My name is M&M on the boards. You can check out my blog as well

    I recently started running with my dog in the mornings, but have not done so this week. I am going to start again tomorrow morning. It is nice to know that another scrapbooker is dieting and we are achieving almost the same weight loss. Good Luck!
