Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Just checking in..........
I signed up for a challenge on nikeplus.com to run 15 miles in one week - which is a lot for me! I did it though - I logged over 16 miles and felt very proud of myself. Tonight I went running during my son's soccer practice and boy did the wind under my sails die down!! It was a tough run - harder than any recent run I can remember. I felt like my legs were two barrels of lead - it was hot and I was tired and almost gave up. But I hung in there!
I do not listen to music when I run - and tonight for some reason I was tuned into the pat...pat...pat of my feet hitting the pavement. I realized I could hear my feet hitting the ground. The pat...pat...pat turned into a slap...slap...slap. It was a sluggish, clumsey run, but a run nonetheless. I love when there is a spring in my step a soft push...push...push off the pavement. I tried to turn my slaps into pushes but it was hard! The pattern I seemed to repeat over and over: push...push..push...pat...pat...pat... slap...slap...slap! When I got to the slaps, I realized it was time to force myself back to the pushes. On and on I went until I was done. It was a long 3.6 miles!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Good Monday Morning and A New Read
I finished Dr. H's book, and was searching the shelves of Barnes & Noble yesterday for a new read. As I've mentioned before, I like to read health and fitness books as I find they give me good information and motivation. [short aside here: One thing I have noticed is that the nutritional information is not always consistent even among reputable books, which just goes to show that there is probably a lot we still don't know, and there are a lot of funky extreme diets out there so you have to be careful with what you choose to read.] Anyhow, I picked up Chasing Life by Sanjay Gupta...

If you recall my first post on this blog, the weight was only one of my concerns. I had noticed many physical changes in myself over the past year - cellulite in places where I never had it before, way more grey hair, differences in my skin texture and tone, feeling tired all the time, oh and yes, extra weight that wouldn't come off easily. I think I realized that I was aging and it literally scared me into this lifestyle change. The weight loss is only part of it for me. I want to live longer and live better so I can be around to see my children and grandchildren grow up (but not too soon!!).
It is a sad reality that our accepted lifestyle in the US is a very unhealthy one. Sanjay points out in the book that there are at least 20 developed countries that have longer life expectancy than the US. We are literally killing ouselves with overeating and underexercising. Let's face it - the generally accepted behavior is hard to go against. It is difficult to find healthy food on the run - french fries and ice cream are all around us. On a similar note, I make a point to send healthy lunches to school with my kids - but it is hard to respond when my 6 year old comes home and complains that Johnny (name changed for the example) gets Doritos in his lunch all the time, so he wants them too. I would explain over and over why I send fruits and veggies instead but he still thinks my lunches stink. Finally one day I said "Well Johnny's mother must not love him as much as I love you." So there. I don't even care if that gets repeated at school - if so then I hope Johnny goes home and asks his mom about that!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Who knew 10 weeks ago that I would be able to run 3+ miles on a regular basis now? My clothes fit better and I don't struggle doing a push up now. My husband says I look taller and he can tell my legs look thinner. I can feel all the muscles in my body now - usually because they are stiff in the mornings now (lol) but it is a 'good' stiff and at least now they are being used!
I re-read my original post this morning, and I have come a long way in 10 weeks. Check it out here: http://thegettinskinnyscrapper.blogspot.com/2009/06/blog-post.html
I can really tell a difference in looking at the original photo. I wish I would have taken measurements! But my original goals were to (1) lose 12 pounds (2) be able to run 5k comfortably and (3) gain muscle tone. I've accomplished all 3 of those and am just beside myself that I actually was able to set and accomplish these goals. I was so TIRED when I started, but now I have energy and feel great. Exercising truly does make a difference!
So now the challenge is to keep it off! I would like to lose another pound or two so that 126 is by 'heavy' weight. But for now, holding at 126 is the goal. I have also set some running goals for myself on the nikeplus.com site, so that will hopefully help keep me motivated on the exercise front.
Thanks for checking in with me today and if you get a chance, please leave a comment - it really helps keep me going [side note, a few of you have emailed me that you can't leave a comment without an error, apparently if you try again immediately after getting the error it will let you post - some glitch in blogger or something]. Have a great day!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Let's Talk Food - Shall We?!
(1) Crazy Bowls & Wraps - my favorite fast food chain. I get a Chicken Teriyaki Superbowl (smaller size) with white meat and brown rice. I choose the steamed veggies for my side (and they are amazing). The website lists the calories as 325 with 5 g of fat. I'm thinking that may not include a side and seems low to me because it is a lot of food, so I count it as 375 cal. It is very filling and great if you are having a 'hungry' day.
(2) Frosted Mini Wheats. 24 biscuts is 200 calories - so kindof hefty for cereal but it is packed with fiber and is very filling. I add a scoop of ground flax seed and about 1/4 cup of frozen wild blueberries (very high in antioxidents) to the bowl and top it off with about 2/3 cup of skim milk. Another very filling meal that also satisfies my sweet tooth!
(3) Ground flax seed. I have about a tablespoon of this stuff per day (usually in cereal but you can add it to anything). It is high in Omega 3's which are very good for a number of health issues. It is also have read that it is a natural anti-inflammatory which is great for helping with the aches and pains of exercise!
(4) Shrimp. Speaking of Omega 3's, I love coctail shrimp. Also high in protein and low in calories so a great dinner with a big salad for days when you have overeaten. I do splurge with a bit of coctail sauce, but try not to use too much. I buy about a pound in my grocery store (already cooked then frozen) I thaw the shrimp and serve it in a chip-n-dip tray with the coctail sauce in the middle. It's gone in about 15 minutes in this house.
(5) Morningstar Farms Garden Veggie Patties. I've mentioned these before - they have been a staple of my diet for years. Served on a wheat bun with a dab of ketchup for lunch several times a week. Love these. Can't go wrong with any of their offerings really. Just recently discovered their chicken grillers which are only 80 calories but very high in protein and fiber.
(6) Apples. I love Del Monte (I think?) Apple bites and Apple-Grape bites. Already washed and cut and in individual packages. These are great to take to work and I plan to keep them on hand for the boys lunches when school starts back. I read a study in Prevention magazine a few years ago that Pectin (found in apples) is a natural appetite suppressant too. Don't skimp on the fruit!!
(7) Fresh Broccoli. Last but not certainly least. I eat this just about every day. It is one of those super foods that is so healthy for you. I eat it raw, steamed or blanched (my favorite way but that takes a bit of work so I don't have it that way too often). I found that you can buy a bag of precut broccoli (ready to steam in the plastic bag) in the produce section so that is great to eat raw out of the bag, or just add a handful to a salad. I DO NOT steam anything in a plastic bag (due to the risk of toxins getting into the food). I steam in a stainless steel steamer on the stovetop - not as fast as the microwave, but still quick and the taste is way better.
Ok, I'll add more if I think of it, but these things have really helped me over the past several weeks. PS - did I mention that I was 126 on the scale this am!?!?! Woot-woot but not going to count it yet until I get on the scale Tuesday am. Just need to get through the weekend (holding my breath and keeping my fingers crossed)....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Did You See Her???

My Mini-me is getting irritated that she hasn't gone on any runs yet - haha - she keeps changing and is pretty funny. There is so much you can do on Nike+ (in addition to tracking your running) - you can participate in challenges, find or create running routes, chat with others, and more. Check it out at http://www.nikeplus.com/ !!! If you are already set up on there, add me as a friend - I am JenninMO.
Happy Running!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Circle of Friends Blog Award!

1. Veronica http://www.leiasblogg.blogspot.com/ - fabulous blog of my Sweedish friend, with great scrapbooking ideas (even though I can't read Sweedish, I can look at the layouts - LOL!).
2. Cameron http://www.createbeautydaily.blogspot.com/ - a great blog for all things crafty - this girl makes everything and takes amazing photos!
3. Shar http://www.scrapendipity.blogspot.com/ - a great blog for scrapping and die cutting inspiration!
4. Karen http://www.helmkahappenings.blogspot.com/ - a great blog for scrapping, die cutting, and amazing photography.
5. And last but certainly not least, to Robyn, a huge inspiration to me in my gettin' skinny quest! Her amazing blog can be found at: http://thepinkloser.blogspot.com/
So ok selected bloggers, here are the rules for this award: To pick up the Circle of Friends Blog Award cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog. Nominate 5 other bloggers you feel have become part of your circle of friends. Link to your nominees within your blog post. Include these instructions on how to pick up the award in your blog post. Link back to the person who gave you the award in your blog post, to show your appreciation.
128 and Holding!!!
Another great feeling is the first blog award I received from Dot!! It is a Circle of Friends one and I am so flattered!! Thank you Dot! She has a great crafting blog - check it out at: http://dottiemaes.blogspot.com/!! I get to pass the blog award on to five other blogs, so I'm excited to do that - I almost have them all picked out so I'll post again later when I do!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Down 10 Pounds!!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Adventures in Running
(1) If you decide to take your Siberian Husky on your run with you, be prepared that she will think you are training her for the Iditarod (especially if she is used to going on fast and long runs with your 6'2" husband).
(2) If you decide to run on a warm summer night and trash pick-up is the next morning, remember to go on your run as early in the evening as possible........eeeeewwwww!
(3) If you are feeling bloated and decide to wear your 'fat' shorts on your run, do a test jog first in the house so you don't end up having to hold them up the whole time (although it is a good problem to have in the grand scheme of things -haha).
Beyond the Points
So here is the journal I picked up at the bookstore to help me get back to the nutritional breakdown mindset:

Here is what I am reading at the moment. It is written by the physician who is in charge of monitoring The Biggest Loser contestants. The plan is written to target obese people, however, there is a ton of great information about exercise and body composition in this book. I'm about half way through and enjoying it.