1. Veronica http://www.leiasblogg.blogspot.com/ - fabulous blog of my Sweedish friend, with great scrapbooking ideas (even though I can't read Sweedish, I can look at the layouts - LOL!).
2. Cameron http://www.createbeautydaily.blogspot.com/ - a great blog for all things crafty - this girl makes everything and takes amazing photos!
3. Shar http://www.scrapendipity.blogspot.com/ - a great blog for scrapping and die cutting inspiration!
4. Karen http://www.helmkahappenings.blogspot.com/ - a great blog for scrapping, die cutting, and amazing photography.
5. And last but certainly not least, to Robyn, a huge inspiration to me in my gettin' skinny quest! Her amazing blog can be found at: http://thepinkloser.blogspot.com/
So ok selected bloggers, here are the rules for this award: To pick up the Circle of Friends Blog Award cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog. Nominate 5 other bloggers you feel have become part of your circle of friends. Link to your nominees within your blog post. Include these instructions on how to pick up the award in your blog post. Link back to the person who gave you the award in your blog post, to show your appreciation.
Thanks Jenn =)
ReplyDeleteI just wanna tell you girls that I have a translate button on the top of my blog but it translate VERY funny sometimes so my swedish migth be better ;-)