My Nike Mini-me - look over on the right hand side of my blog and scroll you see her now?? I just joined Nike+, which I hope will become my new obsession! I wear Nike shoes and realized that if put a Nike+ chip into my shoes and wear this arm band when I run...

...that later I can pop it into my computer USB port and all of my running data will upload to my Nike+ profile!! So today after work I am going to purchase the armband as a reward to myself for sticking with my plan for 9 weeks! I'll let you know how it works after my first run with it tonight.
My Mini-me is getting irritated that she hasn't gone on any runs yet - haha - she keeps changing and is pretty funny. There is so much you can do on Nike+ (in addition to tracking your running) - you can participate in challenges, find or create running routes, chat with others, and more. Check it out at !!! If you are already set up on there, add me as a friend - I am JenninMO.
Happy Running!!
So how are you liking your Nike+? Pretty motivating, huh? I ran a 5k last saturday and am planning on doing the Nike+ Human Race 10k on Oct 24th. Are you up for it?
ReplyDeleteThanks for contacting me about my QuicKutz designs - it's taken a few days to get back to you, but I appreciate your comments. It motivated me to finally do something about my blog! I guess I'll have to start posting more art/design things.
And congrats on reaching your goal!
Oh - I added you in Nike+ - my screen name is OrbeaDiva.
ReplyDeleteCali - thanks so much for your comments - I just added you as a nike+ friend too! Not sure if I'll be able to run all 10k on Oct 24, but I will do it and walk whatever I can't run, how's that? I got an email about it not long ago, I'll have to find that and sign up. Good to know someone else will be doing it too - it sure does help the motivation! Happy Running!